Pumpkin Spice Rice Krispies Treats

With the arrival of Starbucks' controversial red cups it seems the world has forgotten about all things Pumpkin Spice and moved on to peppermint, eggnog and everything Kris Kringle. 

But hold on, people! We haven't even made it to Thanksgiving!

Last weekend I whipped up these seasonal treats using brown rice cereal and coconut oil to make it very ~clean eats~. And hey, I tried to keep the marshmallow usage to a minimum with some honey for "glue." 

These came out fantastic and fall-y, if I do say so myself, thanks to the addition of vanilla extract and cinnamon - and my special "frosting" of course. 

I'm no baker, but these were super simple, super quick, and were a hit at the "Pumpkin and Peppermint" party. 

Pumpkin Spice Rice Krispies Treats

Let me know how if you give them a try!